Velan is a world leader in the design and production of a wide range of cast and forged steel gate, globe, check, ball, triple offset, highly engineered severe service valves, and steam traps offering superior performance across all major industrial applications.
Velan valves are the global power industry’s clear choice for reliable nuclear service with an installed base of 380 nuclear power reactors worldwide and with over 50 years of uninterrupted nuclear experience.
Velan is the leading nuclear valve supplier for all nuclear reactor technologies including: PWR, EPR, VVER, HUALONG, AP1000, BWR, PHWR, CANDU, FBR, AGR, and HTR.
As an actor of upstream research and continuous innovation, Velan constantly develops new technologies in order to anticipate the technical and regulatory requirements of future generation of Nuclear Reactors such as GENIII PWR reactors, GENIV sodium cooled Fast Breeder and HTR reactors or GENV “TOKAMAK” fusion reactors.
Our nuclear quality programs have been surveyed by ASME and are audited by EDF, TRACTEBEL, KHNP, ROSATOM, CGN, CNNC, SNPTC, NUPIC, DCMA, nuclear utilities, shipbuilding companies, and others.
Velan has a leadership role in helping promote safety and reliability in the nuclear industry with focused marketing, sales, engineering, and quality-control teams that enable us to handle all of your nuclear valve needs.